Yay I`m out of bed already. This day is going to be used to the fullest, there is SUN SUN SUN and my boyfriend and I are going to Stavanger City. Starting at work at 16.oo.
hehe ja men eg har jo ikje hatt internett..du ane ikje koss eg klikke her hjemma. det dette bare ut, går ikje an å laste opp.. MONGO!!!! ska prøve igjen i kveld..
Welcome to my blog! My name is Silje and I´m a 23 year old girl from Norway. On my blog you`ll find photographs that I like, music videos, some of my outfits and a lot of other fashion related things! Enjoy! And leave a message if you like! :)
3 kommentarer:
wow beautiful photoo!
søtt dette bildet :) men snart må du legge ut mintgrønn bildene våre.. hehe
hehe ja men eg har jo ikje hatt internett..du ane ikje koss eg klikke her hjemma. det dette bare ut, går ikje an å laste opp.. MONGO!!!! ska prøve igjen i kveld..
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