It`s been a good day. Woke up at 10.30, was out of bed 11.30. My boyfriend did an interwiew with the local newspaper today, about their stay in Boston USA record their cd at Kurt Ballou`s studio. It will be announced in the newspaper on Friday. Maby I can post it here.
My boyfriend is back home after 6 weeks in Boston. He found all the earings that I wanted form Urban Outfitters. He did also bring a pare of converse shoes, lomography films a neacklace, I <3 NY tees and cup.
Yes it happened a lot on Friday. Before the party I was at the opening of Lowlife art exhibition in Stavanger. It will last from 12th of march and close at 11th of April. A friend of mine, Atle Østrem had three different rooms where he could show his art. I love his work, and you should definitely check him out. Atle Østrem
Friday night I was at a party at the art school in Stavanger! Crazy night with awesome people and crazy dj KRETZFESTER from Oslo. aah, Im in love with that night! Here are some pictures form it:
Yesterday my friend Lena turned 23, woho, Happy birthday! She held a party at her home and later we went out on a club called backstage. It was fun, and I met a lot of new people :) Now Im just waiting for dinner and then it`s off to work at H&M 16.00.
Welcome to my blog! My name is Silje and I´m a 23 year old girl from Norway. On my blog you`ll find photographs that I like, music videos, some of my outfits and a lot of other fashion related things! Enjoy! And leave a message if you like! :)